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Banner of the Cell C Change Your World campaign with woman in powerful stance holding orange soccer ball.
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Climate change. Social change. Economic change. Technological change. Human change. The only constant is change.

How we decide to experience change is how we decide to live our lives.

Because if change is envitable, growth is up to us.
When some see the pains of change, we prefer to see its gains.

When some see worry and anxiety, we see resilience and a chance to grow.

We see adaptation. Responsiveness.
We see learning. Evolution. Growth.
We see opportunity.

When some see change as taking a step back, we see a chance to take two steps forward.

When some see a challenge to the status quo, we see a chance for progress.

When some see the world changing people, we see people changing the world.

We see people's hope for a better future, for a better life.

We see them coming together and taking a positive stand for that change.

When some say: fear change, resent change, we say: Embrace it. Will it. Be it.

Cell C. Change your world.